Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kuroe is not yet dead!

Haloooo~ Guys! xD I'm back. I just have to escape from my father's wrath. Now he doesn't want me to use the pc for the whole ten days. *sigh* I'm used to using it 24/7 *LOL*

Mehn I'm hungry. And very drowsy. I haven't slept enough for two days. (Or so.) THOSE GUYS IN THE BS THREAD HAVE FAST HANDS TO KEEP ME FROM POSTING DAMMIT! The funny thing is. We managed to make a page in just less than 10 minutes. *LOL* Seriously. xD

I want to play Audition...I soo miss it. But they said e-games hates audistas now. No. Not literally hate. They just won't let us play smoothly like we used to do. I mean. DC here DC there. LAG here LAG there. What the. This isn't the Audition Philippines I know. I know that they are preparing for the super sized patch but it's taking too much time. I mean. They are maintaining it for about 2 weeks now? Then until now they are still fixing it? Why the hell is it that long? Some of the audistahs are already growing impatient. The GMs keep telling that "We'll have the patch *insert day here* " Then Audistas wait for that day. (Some don't sleep just to wait for the new patch. I did. ^____^;;) I know that they are busy but making the audistas wait like that. They shouldn't tell any time or dates when they are still working for it. I'm glad they didn't announce any date when they moved it again. Too glad.

All right. Enought Audition. Or I might escape the wrath of my father again and play in the computer shop. (I don't want to die early since I still have lots to do. Comics...Signatures...and the banner damn it!) Oh yeah. Speaking of the comics. One more and I'll complete the 10 pages. Ummm...if someone is wondering why 10. It's the number of pages that I promised to make first. I could have a short break if I finished those 10. But the comics have a definite plot already so I'll just continue it. And those who await my Rockman DASH remix 2. I change the title to RockMan DASH: The hidden system since remix 2/Believing in the future is just my tentative title.

Wow Eureka seven...I want to watch that.

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