Monday, November 19, 2007

Group iLu PH officially launched!

Yeah you read it right! It's officially launched!

So iLu members! Let's parteh!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Patch? PATCH!? NO REALLY?! And the wildest recollection ever!

While I was playing Audition earlier...


I hope...Though there is still a possibilty that it will be cancelled again. I mean. They are going to patch Audition but the...size is...ummm...colossal. xD

Enough Audition. Now real life.

We had our recollection yesterday. It was fun than the recollection the past years. My classmates are really funny. We have a microphone there and they were saying a lot of things like. "Ang susunod na papasok ay mukhang....purorot." I can't remember exactly but that was it. xD I was really like LMAO. I slept for about 30 minutes while in the bus on the way home. I'm pretty tired and I didn't expect I'll fall asleep there. Mainly because the people at the back of our bus (which is 3N)are noisy. But there is no noise for a person who's tired. xD I've recorded some minutes from the activities...


My friends in Siena who are reading this...Let's pray for Miss Javier. ^_________^

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An idiot's trying to test us

The title says it all. An idiot. xD

"She" keeps telling something bad about BananaSplitz. And we know who "she" is. An ill-mannered wanna be idiot.

I don't know if she is studying like a student should be. Because our teachers tell us that we shouldn't be making such a big fuss about little things. Man...I know what's the reason why she's like that. No big deal at all.

I mean...I'm going to laugh! Because her character looks like a noob. So why care for that noobish account anyway. If she tells bad things about me. Like I'm a piece of shit or something. I'm going to warn you about it.

Never try to test me dear. Because you don't know me at all.

Kuroe is sad T___T so sad T____T


I was so sad when I recieved my yellow card this afternoon. I have a failing grade. First time ever in the history of my beautiful and lively existence. I had a failing grade. God dammit I so hate third year! When I told my mom about it she was a bit mad. She said it was because I was playing so much. But me. "What the heck? I'm only playing on weekends and I get this kind of rant?" To be honest the games I play isn't the reason why I have a failing mark. I lost motivation to study anymore. But then my nursery days came back to me. When I was crying just because I wanted to go to school badly. xD No really it was true. My mom told me about it since I have this weird memory lost. But I guess my mom is disappointed. When I received mine a few hours ago some were shocked. They couldn't believe that I have a failing grade, not to brag about it but I do have the brains. I just don't use it. *sigh* I feel that I got beaten by two hundred horses because of deep depression. When I opened that yellow paper, I wanted to cry. I was soooooooo disappointed really. T_____T

But one of the jokers of the class made me a little bit okay.



But first will someone buy me eyeglasses? That would help...a lot. xD

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kuroe is not yet dead!

Haloooo~ Guys! xD I'm back. I just have to escape from my father's wrath. Now he doesn't want me to use the pc for the whole ten days. *sigh* I'm used to using it 24/7 *LOL*

Mehn I'm hungry. And very drowsy. I haven't slept enough for two days. (Or so.) THOSE GUYS IN THE BS THREAD HAVE FAST HANDS TO KEEP ME FROM POSTING DAMMIT! The funny thing is. We managed to make a page in just less than 10 minutes. *LOL* Seriously. xD

I want to play Audition...I soo miss it. But they said e-games hates audistas now. No. Not literally hate. They just won't let us play smoothly like we used to do. I mean. DC here DC there. LAG here LAG there. What the. This isn't the Audition Philippines I know. I know that they are preparing for the super sized patch but it's taking too much time. I mean. They are maintaining it for about 2 weeks now? Then until now they are still fixing it? Why the hell is it that long? Some of the audistahs are already growing impatient. The GMs keep telling that "We'll have the patch *insert day here* " Then Audistas wait for that day. (Some don't sleep just to wait for the new patch. I did. ^____^;;) I know that they are busy but making the audistas wait like that. They shouldn't tell any time or dates when they are still working for it. I'm glad they didn't announce any date when they moved it again. Too glad.

All right. Enought Audition. Or I might escape the wrath of my father again and play in the computer shop. (I don't want to die early since I still have lots to do. Comics...Signatures...and the banner damn it!) Oh yeah. Speaking of the comics. One more and I'll complete the 10 pages. Ummm...if someone is wondering why 10. It's the number of pages that I promised to make first. I could have a short break if I finished those 10. But the comics have a definite plot already so I'll just continue it. And those who await my Rockman DASH remix 2. I change the title to RockMan DASH: The hidden system since remix 2/Believing in the future is just my tentative title.

Wow Eureka seven...I want to watch that.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Siggy fever! Kuroe on-leave in audi for 10 days?

I volunteered as siggy maker for TGC (Theme: A group of colors) and BS (BananaSplitz) and I'm glad I took that job. xD Because if I didn't I'm not here typing in this blog and I'm playing Audition right now. xD I have...currently about 6 signature request now. So I'm going to do them later. Mehn...

Yeah...the title is self-explanatory...I'm going to leave Audi for almost a week...I imagine my right hand goin' panic while playing when I get back. *LOL* my dad's going home. But I'm not too shabby happy about it. He doesn't want me to play. If I only could say to him. "'re such a jerk for not letting me play." *LOL* If I ever say that to him I'll end up in the cemetery. xD But honestly speaking...if he doesn't want me to play in the computer shop then why not apply for a DSL connection? *sigh* I'm awfully mad. But also happy at the same time since I can save up for EP! Yay! I can buy a So innocent face when I get back. xD Big sis Daichii and my other friends told me that we should apply for a DSL already. And I tell them. "Next year." xD But seriously. My mom said that she will. I'm not 100% percent sure that she would though.

I'm going to play tomorrow. That is the last day I'll be able though. But hey. I'll be back! And I still got this blog and the forums and the....oh whatever. You guys still have so many ways to contact me. Ciao for now. Gotta have my fats. xD

Kuroe starts to strike now~!

Ummm...yeah. I was thinking of creating a blog in LiveJournal where Tales fans are all over. But...since many audistas are also here in blogger I thought I should go for blogger ^_____^;;

Well anyway. I created a blog for fun. I'll be posting some of my comics here sometimes. (If I have any new ones. xD) I'm lazy in updating my comics since I'm busy with school too. (To my schoolmates, *LOL* busy. xD) ELECT ME AS BANANASPLITZ SECRETARY! *LOL* speddism strikes again.

I'm not a well-known audista...(probably because I keep changing accounts. 6 times exact. Out of 12+ accounts I have *LOL*)
But I'm permanently staying with drkkuroe19. drkdaisuke13's younger sister. In game but I'm just their friend in real life. (NOTE: drkdaisuke13 is controlled by two people. xD) But I do have friends in DBA that knows I change accounts after I turn them to a Level 13 Freedom. *LOL* Just for security reasons. Because I play in a computer shop. And...I already spent so much money in Audition. 1300+ I think for the ep cards. 3000+ for the rentals (Maybe) since I started playing Audition around the last week of november. I started way too earlier than big sis daichii but *LOL* since I change accounts often she's now a level 25 amateur. And I'm still a level 9 novice. xD

I'm hungry. So I'm going to eat now. See ya guys in the next entry!